Qualities to Look for in a Pediatrician

Your child is the center of your universe, and when he/she falls sick, it is only natural that everything goes in for a toss. When this happens, you consult a pediatrician, who is a doctor who specializes in treating babies, toddlers, and children. If you have a family doctor or a pediatrician Gaithersburg MD or elsewhere who has been with you right from pregnancy or childbirth, things are pretty easy for you. However, when you need to visit someone who you have never met before, you would want to evaluate them based on certain criteria. Here is a list of some important qualities that make a good children’s doctor.

Good listeners

A good pediatrician is someone who is willing to listen to what you have to say about your child. He/she is patient enough to listen to your concerns and other details that you want to share about your child’s health, even if it takes time or if you seem unnecessarily worried. As a parent, you spend a lot of time around your child, and are often the first to notice even the smallest of change in your offspring’s health or behavior.  It is a boon to have a doctor who understands this, discusses your worries, and reassures you that everything is going to be fine.

Comfortable to be around

Pediatricians work with children and little ones all the time, and so it becomes necessary that they have a pleasing disposition. You should feel comfortable around them, so that your child can be at ease with the doctor. Sick babies can cry endlessly and toddlers maybe cranky or moody, so you definitely want a doctor who can deal patiently with them, without losing his/her temper.

Attentive and responsive

Medical profession is one that requires doctors to be awake and attentive even in the wee hours of the night. A good pediatrician is someone who is willing to receive your calls, or reply to your emails or messages no matter the time. Comforting a crying baby or kid till the pediatrician begins consultation the next morning is definitely not a good idea. He/she is also someone who responds quickly and gives you medical advice, or if necessary, medical aid and treatment even at odd hours.

A Parent Just Like You

A pediatrician who is a parent is likely to understand your concerns better than someone who is not. He/she is more prepared to help you through difficult times, and offer you comforting words when you are worried about your little one’s health or condition. He/she cares for your child and your family as much as you do, and is ever ready to help, whenever you need it. The doctor, in fact, is more like an extended member of the family, who understands each and every thing well.

Open minded

As a parent, you may have different viewpoint or suggestion than what the pediatrician gives you. A doctor who is open minded accepts these suggestion on a positive note without taking offence. He/she reasons it out to you if your suggestion stands against the interest or the health of your child. After all, you would not want to be working with a doctor who forces his/her ideas and belief upon you or your child, without taking suggestions into concern.

Knowledgeable, An Expert, and Well-Reputed

A good pediatrician is someone who has thorough knowledge of children’s medicine, and treatment practices. He/she is also aware of different developments and advancements that happen from time to time, and has sufficient experience treating little ones. A doctor who has gained reputation over time is more reliable than someone who isn’t so popular in parent circles.

A good pediatrician is your go-to person for all your needs related to your child’s health. Along with the qualities mentioned above, a doctor who is good natured and outgoing, has good communication skills, and who enjoys interacting and being around babies and little children is a pediatrician, who you should take your tiny one to.