Genital Herpes – Diagnosis, Cure, and Precautions

Genital Herpes is a sexually transmitted infection that occurs due to a virus called Herpes Simplex Virus. The infection can result in blisters and ulcers around the genital area. The infection can spread between partners during intercourse.

After the infection, the Herpes Simplex virus remains in the infected person’s body in a dormant stage. It can get activated due to multiple factors such as stress, fatigue, exposure to an extremely hot or cold environment, etc.

The severity and duration of the outbreak for different people are different. However, for most people, the first outbreak can last up to two weeks. The subsequent outbreaks can be less severe and may clear up earlier.

Having a sound understanding of genital herpes can help you deal with its symptoms in a better way. Let us discuss genital herpes, its diagnosis, cure, and precautions.

A) Diagnosis

If you suspect you have been infected by Herpes Simplex Virus, you should visit your doctor at the earliest. Based on your symptoms and physical exam your doctor will determine whether you have been infected by the Herpes Simplex Virus.

Your doctor may also perform the undermentioned lab tests to diagnose the condition.

1) Blood test

The test involves taking your blood sample and analyzing it for the presence of antibodies. The antibodies determine whether you have been infected by the virus in the past.

2) Viral culture

The test involves collecting a sample from the infection site for examination in the laboratory.

3) Polymerase Chain Reaction test

PCR test involves collecting a sample of your blood, or tissue from a sore or spinal fluid. The sample is then used to copy your DNA. The DNA is tested to determine the presence of the Herpes Simplex virus and its Variant type.

B) Cure of Herpes

Genital Heps is an incurable infection. Once infected, the person cannot be cured. Some medications can help you deal with the symptoms of genital herpes and also reduce the duration of infection. However, it does not reduce your chances of having future outbreaks.

Antiviral medication for Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes is a viral infection that can be cured with the help of antiviral medication. Antiviral medication for genital Herpes is available as Genital Herpes Cream Over the Counter or oral tablets.

Your health care provider may prescribe you an antiviral medication based on your symptoms for a period of seven to ten days. If the symptoms are severe the medication can be extended for a longer duration. Some of the commonly used antiviral medicines for BV are acyclovir, famciclovir, and Valtrex (valaciclovir).

This medication can be purchased as oral pills that are available only on a prescription basis. However, you can also purchase them as Genital Herpes Cream Over the Counter.

C) Precautions

There are some precautions that you need to take to avoid the risk of genital herpes and save yourself and your partner from the risk of infection. Some of these precautions are as listed below:

1) Visit a health care professional as soon as you suspect you have been infected.

2) For the subsequent outbreaks, you should start Genital Herpes Cream Over the Counter or any other medication as soon as you experience the first signs of the blister. Most people experience a tingling or burning sensation a few hours before the blisters appear.

3) Communicate with your sex partners so that they can get tested and treat themselves if diagnosed with the infection.

4) Complete the entire course of medication even if the symptoms disappear or become mild.

5) Even when you do not have an active outbreak, you can still pass on the infection to another person. You should consult with your doctor and take all the necessary precautions to avoid passing on the infection to your partner.

6) People with multiple outbreaks can use suppressant treatment methods to reduce the chances of an outbreak. The medication can also help reduce the chances of passing on the infection to another person.

Now that you are well aware of the diagnosis, treatment, and precautions for Genital Herpes, you are better prepared to deal with such a situation.