Droopy Eyelid Problems Can be Corrected

It has been said ‘the eyes are the windows to the soul,’ but what if the view is obscured? Having a droopy eyelid can be frustrating as it can change the entire landscape of the face, making it particularly difficult to convey emotions or put off that specific desired look. As people age, our skin loses elasticity, and can end up with a much ‘looser’ appearance. It can be embarrassing or damaging to some individual’s self-esteem. A sleepy eyed look can come from many places; not just from lack of sleep. Smoking, stress, a thyroid issue, retaining fluid, and the muscle disorder Ptosis, affecting the muscles in the eyes, are all guilty of affecting the appearance of our eyes. Once the cause of the sagging eyes is identified, it’s time to find a solution. This perceived flaw is more common than people think, and is subsequently something cosmetic surgeons are very familiar with correcting.

Surgery to repair or ‘lift’ a droopy eyelid is called a blepharoplasty, and plastic surgeons around the world are performing it every day. In fact, in 2006 and 2007, cosmetic eyelid repair ranked in the top three most performed plastic surgery procedures. Doctors can perform this procedure on both the upper and lower eyelids to drastically improve one’s appearance.  A more youthful appearance is achieved when surgeons remove excess fat in the upper and lower lids, while also taking precise care towards contouring weak muscles.  A blepharoplasty can reverse the changes caused by aging, while making you appear more alert, and possibly even increase the field of vision in the patient.

Patients who elect for the upper eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty to improve their droopy eyelid or to reduce bagginess and puffiness will experience a surgeon making a tiny incision in the eyelid’s natural crease, but under the eyelid fold. Extra fat or skin can be removed, and muscles can be tightened, dramatically improving facial features and helping to restore a more youthful appearance. It is at this point that the surgeon uses the tiny sutures and precisely places them inside the natural crease. Afterwards, the sutures are designed to gradually dissolve as the incision heals for the most convenience and optimum recovery. Any visible scar will fade into the eyelids natural crease.

After your outpatient blepharoplasty, the medical staff will provide specific instructions on how to care for your eyes post-op. Normally a non-medicated, sterile, lubricating ointment will be given to prevent drying and cracking. This may cause vision to be blurry, or cause sensitivity to light. This is all normal. There will be some swelling from the surgery, which can be soothed with soft ice packs and cold compresses. The post-op pain patients may experience is easily remedied with mild pain medication. Due to the nature of the procedure however, anti-inflammatories, such as aspirin, naproxen, or ibuprofen are prohibited as they stimulate blood flow. If you have a droopy eyelid, or other condition affecting the muscles or skin surrounding your eyes, you have nothing to lose by checking out your options for possible solutions with an eyelid reconfiguration. Schedule a consultation with an experienced, reputable surgeon established in your area. A medical profession will take all factors into consideration; overall health, personal goals, and facial anatomy, to determine the best course of action for you to regain that alert, more youthful appearance.