Creams for Bacterial Vaginosis – How Do They Really Work

The post discusses information regarding Bacterial Vaginosis, creams for Bacterial Vaginosis and how do they work.

Bacterial Vaginosis is an infection in your vagina. It does not any subsidiary health problems but can result in a burning feeling when you pee or a fishy smell from the vagina or thin white, gray, or green discharge from the vagina.

Bacterial vaginosis is fairly common in sexually active women. Most of the time it’s asymptomatic and only results in an odd smell from the vagina, which people overcome from vaginal perfume and things like that, but sometimes it can result in problems in urination, complications in conceiving and giving birth, etc.

What is Bacterial vaginosis?

So, in simple terms, your body recruits some bacteria to maintain a chemical and pH balance in areas that interact with the environment frequently like your mouth, your skin, your vagina, etc. This balance is called homeostasis and can vary from environment to environment.

The pH of the vagina is slightly acidic and is maintained by Lactobacillus bacteria. This acidic pH prevents other bacteria from living inside the vagina and causing problems.

Now, when there is any activity occurring inside the vagina that disturbs this pH, other harmful bacteria find a way to live inside the vagina. This is known as Bacterial Vaginosis.

Reasons for and symptoms of Bacterial vaginosis

According to MedicalNewToday, “Any woman can develop BV, but some behaviors or activities can increase the risk.

These include:

● douching, or using water or a medicated solution to clean the vagina

● having a bath with antiseptic liquids

● having a new sex partner

● having multiple sex partners

● using perfumed bubble baths, vaginal deodorants, and some scented soaps

● smoking

● washing underwear with strong detergents

BV cannot be caught from toilet seats, bedding, swimming pools, or touching objects.”

The symptoms, as we have already discussed, include thin white, gray, or green fluid discharge from the vagina, irritation in and around the vagina, pain inside the vagina (especially during sex), the fishy smell from the vagina (which increases after sex).

Treatment of Bacterial vaginosis

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis usually includes an antibiotic course or an application of the cream, creams for Bacterial vag. Some of the creams and tablets used for bacterial vaginosis are:

1) Metronidazole: It is the most common antibiotic used in BV. It is available in three forms; tablets, single-dose, or gel (cream). Tablets are taken twice daily for 5-7 days as recommended by the doctor. Tablets are considered efficient treatment, especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

A single dose can also be taken instead of carrying on for seven days. The risk of a recurring infection is more in the single-dose system. Lastly, a gel or cream form of metronidazole can be applied to the vagina for 5 days.

Metronidazole reacts with alcohol and makes the patient feel very ill. Also, alcohol is prohibited for 48 hours while taking the medications.

2) Clindamycin: Clindamycin is an alternative to metronidazole. It can also be used if metronidazole doesn’t treat the infection. Latex condoms, diaphragms, caps, and other stuff might be less effective while trying Clindamycin.

3) Tinidazole: Tinidazole is also an alternative to metronidazole. It is taken in a single dose i.e. once. If the symptoms continue, further tests are required. Alcohol should be avoided while using tinidazole.

What happens during a Bacterial vaginosis test?

According to MedlinePlus, an official government site for medicines in the US,

“A Bacterial Vaginosis test is done in a similar way as a pelvic exam or Pap smear. During the test,

● You will take off your clothes below your waist. You will get a gown or sheet as a cover.

● You will lie on your back on an exam table, with your feet in stirrups.

● Your health care provider will insert a special tool called a speculum into your vagina. The speculum gently spreads apart the sides of your vagina.

● Your provider will use a cotton swab or wooden stick to collect a sample of your vaginal discharge.”

So, now you know what to expect when going in for the test.


Bacterial vaginosis is a common infection and should be talked about in that manner, it has nothing to hide. To avoid it, you might use precautions like condoms, and refraining from having sex with multiple partners. However, the infection is easy to treat.