Balancing Conflicting Claims About Cord Blood Banking

As soon as parents are about to welcome a new family member, they often get flooded with endless questions or suggestions. Starting from the baby’s name to various advice to keep the baby healthy revolves around the parents. Today’s parents often face the crucial question of whether to stone the cord blood cell of the baby or not with an affordable cord blood bank of $19.99/month.

Brief Overview

The topic of stoning the cord blood cell attracted a lot of conflict. Due to this, one misses out on the focus on whether it is beneficial or not. Let us look into a quick overview of the facts related to cord blood.

● The minute blood remaining in the umbilical cord of the child is technically the cord blood. As the baby gets delivered, the medical practitioners can collect the remaining blood. It is a rich storehouse of stem cells. Hence, it is instrumental in boosting the immune system and developing the blood cells.

● Patients who receive cord blood transplants benefit immensely from the surgery. It helps to cure more than 80 kinds of life-threatening ailments. Blood-related diseases, including cancers or severe spinal cord and brain injuries, can be cured using cord blood transplantation.

● Before the parents say yes to the storing process of cord blood in cord blood bank companies, the parents must understand the three crucial considerations. These considerations include:

● The stem cell must have a strong capacity to regenerate.

● The stem cell must have the capacity to distinguish.

● The stem cell should be able to refill tissue cells that got damaged severely.

Advantages Of Cord Blood

The different advantages include:

● It helps in the treatment of various diseases.

● It can be used to strengthen the immunity system during cancer treatment.

● It is easier to collect cord blood than to collect bone marrow.

● It can be frozen and stored for future use.

Process Of Storing Cord Blood

One can keep cord blood in two kinds of banks, including private banks and public banks. The two banks differ in various ways and affect the choice of the person who wants to store.

After the donation of cord blood, the doctor also conducts a test on the mother’s blood for different infections or genetic disorders. As soon as cord blood gets collected, it goes for diverse lab tests. After the arrival from the testing lab, the blood gets tracked by the computer systems so that the authorities can quickly find the person with a match during an emergency.

Difference Between Public Cord Blood Banks And Private Cord Blood Banks

The public cord blood banks store the cord blood for different allogeneic transplants. They do not charge any money to store the cord blood. Anyone who matches can take the donated stem cells from the cord bank. Especially if you have any family members with a disease that has potential treatment, take the help of stem cells or cord blood from the public cord blood banks.

On the other hand, the private cord blood bank stores it for autologous use. They also charge some yearly fees for the storage. Blood stored in a private bank should meet some standards, unlike storing the blood in a private bank. But there are various private banks that store blood for free.

Deciding Factor To Store Or Donate Cord Blood

You must check out the total cost of the storage including the collection charges, processing fees, and annual storage fees if you want to store the stem cells of your child in any private bank. But, if you wish to store the stem cells against any future disease then it is strictly not recommended.

However, if you can donate cord blood to any public Bank then it potentially helps others. Also, public cord blood bank companies would have all the probable matches for ethnic minorities.

Previously after the delivery of the child, the umbilical cord becomes of no medical use. But with the cord blood in the umbilical cord, one could easily make good use of it. Hence as you face the question of whether to store the cord blood or not, you can check out its different advantages.