What are the Major Causes and Signs of Severe Toothache?

A severe toothache can be characterized as a pain experienced in or around the tooth, ranging from relatively mild pain to severe pain endured for longer periods of time and being claimed by the patients to be intolerable.

Cavities that occur due to tooth decay are the most common causes of severe toothache, often due to tooth damage, tooth fracturing, gum infection, jaw problems, Abscess disease, pulp infection, injury during filling, etc.

Significant symptoms of a severe toothache can be described as pain that is sharp or numb pain that happens at any moment in or around a tooth regardless. It can also be noticed as pain when applying pressure on a tooth, in the form of swelling, chewing pain, headaches, fever, etc.

Let’s see here what are the preventive measures that should be followed to avoid it when you should consult a dentist if you suffer from severe toothache Springfield.

Dental Causes That May Lead to Toothache

• Damage in Tooth: The common causes of toothache are when the tooth is badly damaged due to trauma, or injury during filling, dental implantation, etc.
• Decay in Tooth: Cavities with multiple levels of intensity from tooth decay may contribute to toothache. Abscess disease and pulp infection within the tooth is a more serious cause of toothache.
• Diseases in Gums: Periodontal illness-causing redness and gum swelling can lead to a serious toothache. Plaque build-up is the key reason why gums are red and swollen and can lead to gingivitis. If it remains unresolved this results in periodontitis.

Non-Dental Causes That May Lead to Toothache

• Sinus Pain Infection
• History of Diabetes
• Due to Viral Infections
• Vitamin B12 Deficiency

Consult a Dentist for Severe Toothache in Springfield, VA

It is time to visit your dentist as soon as possible if you suffer from the below signs of severe toothache:

• If the toothache lasts more than a day or two.
• Facing intolerable serious toothache.
• Fever discomfort, ear pain, or pain when your mouth is wide open.

It is critical to minimize its spread to other parts of the face and skull, and even further to the bloodstream, by taking aggressive attention and going for dental treatments.

Examination following Severe Toothache

Patient medical history plays a vital role in which each dentist evaluates and conducts medical examination before continuing for treatment.

The dentist will ask questions about your severity of toothache, such as the length of pain, the position of toothache, and the factors that made the pain worse.

Dentist’s physical tests cover the teeth, mouth, ears, throat, nose, tongue, jaws, gums, neck, and sinuses. Your dentist can recommend additional medical tests and X-rays to determine the cause of severe toothache.

Treatments for Severe Toothache

It is important to find out what is the principal cause in the treatment of severe toothache, if the dentist finds cavities are the trigger for the toothache, cavities are filled or probably extract the tooth if required.

When the origin of the toothache is known due to the inflammation of the nerves of the tooth so root canal treatment is performed.

Preventive Measures

Because most severe toothaches are due to cavities caused by tooth decay, good dental hygiene habits will keep you away from toothaches. Preventive measures include proper teeth brushing with fluoride toothpaste, rinsing your mouth with antiseptic mouthwash, frequent dental check-ups twice a year. Consumption of foods with low-sugar.

Final Conclusion:

Preventive strategies play an integral part in better maintaining oral hygiene for everyone. Choosing experts that can help you help you with a varied range of dental treatments will help identify the root of the problem sooner.

In general, when you are searching for a good dentist, look at their expertise and facilities in dentistry that should include some or all of these:

• Sedation Dentistry
• Dental Implants
• Invisalign
• Endodontics
• Veneers
• 3D X-ray/CBCT
• Extractions
• Cosmetic Restorations
• Dentures
• General Dentistry
• Laser therapy
• Sleep Apnea Appliances
• Preventive Care
• Insurance & Finance

Such expert dentists would recognize and analyze faster with what type and severity of toothache you are undergoing and offer you the best services.