Correcting Ptosis of the Eyelid with Specialized Surgery

What Is Eyelid Ptosis?

Eyelid ptosis is a word that literally means “fallen,” and medically speaking this term can refer to various anatomical issues. Ptosis can most easily be understood as a drooping, hanging, or sagging of the eyelid. This can affect the way you look, the symmetry and contour of your eyelids, and, in more severe cases, the visual field may be impaired.

Problems Associated with Ptosis

Ptosis can make the eyes appear sleepy, and the look of heavy eyelids can be a source of dissatisfaction in your appearance. It can also cause problems in interpersonal situations because you may appear disinterested, tired, or as if you aren’t paying attention. Both at work and socially, this is of course not optimal.

Upper eyelid ptosis is distinct from a heavy brow and must be treated as such. In this case, the upper eyelid margin is low-resting, and this condition often begins in childhood. You may have a “droopy” or an asymmetry to your features, and this is often clearly noticeable by other people. In some cases, you may also experience visual impairment on top of aesthetic concerns.

Those who seek help for eyelid ptosis are usually bothered by asymmetry, or a “heavy” and “tired” look to their eyes. If the peripheral vision is compensated, eyelid surgery can address both cosmetic and functional concerns at the same time. Understanding how to best treat ptosis depends upon the kind of ptosis and its exact anatomical presentation. A qualified oculoplastic surgeon will be able to assess your condition and help you plan a successful correctional surgery.

How Can Surgery Help?

Whether your ptosis has been present from childhood, or if it developed as an adult due stress on the eyelid tendon after years of blinking and usage, or if it was triggered by an injury or trauma, it is not likely to go away on its own. If you are bothered by ptosis, the good news is that ptosis surgery is generally very successful in the hands of a qualified oculoplastic surgeon.

As with other eyelid surgeries, the key to attaining the most beneficial and natural results possible is in finding a surgeon with the highest level of skill, ability, and specialization possible. To correct ptosis of the eyelid, upper eyelid surgery is needed. To find the best approach for your needs, a correct diagnosis must be given by a surgeon who is experienced in ptosis surgery. Determining the right diagnosis and the best plan of action will maximize the likelihood of a successful surgery, which can restore a natural look to your features and achieve facial balance.

Since the nature of eyelid and facial issues are extremely complex, you may have other cosmetic concerns in addition to the ptosis. For example, excess fatty tissue around the eyes, fine wrinkles, or dark circles may all compound dissatisfaction with your appearance or eyelid function. An eyelid surgery that is individually planned accordingly can address a range of problems by correcting the heavy eyelids and asymmetry corresponding to the ptosis, while also resolving other facial imbalances or signs of aging.

Consulting with an Oculoplastic Surgeon

Your next step is locating a qualified cosmetic surgeon who specializes in eyelid surgery, rather than a generalist, and scheduling a consultation. Your surgeon’s training and experience in treating ptosis, as well as a comprehensive understanding of facial balance, is essential to success. At this time you should receive a thorough examination, learn more about your options, receive a diagnosis and recommendations, and discuss all of your questions and concerns. Your doctor will also give you a realistic expectation of the outcomes and a thorough understanding of the factors that are unique to you and your treatment. Under the best of care, eyelid surgery for ptosis can dramatically improve both your appearance and your confidence.