An Overview of Ptosis Surgery

For help with ptosis, a condition that causes a droopy or sagging appearance to the eyes, ptosis surgery can dramatically improve your appearance while addressing cosmetic concerns like asymmetry and functional issues like diminished peripheral vision. Ptosis means “fallen,” and this is a common concern that can develop with time and age, but it is also often present since childhood. Typically ptosis becomes more pronounced over time, rather than going away on its own, which is why correctional surgery can be invaluable in restoring facial balance to your features.

In simple terms, ptosis is the condition when the upper eyelid droops. This must be carefully diagnosed and distinguished from cases when excessive skin above the eye, creates a heavy fold, or a “puffy” and tired look. Often, both ptosis and excess tissue are present, and these issues can be addressed at the same time. While ptosis can hinder your appearance, treatment is available and can make a big difference in your looks, your confidence, and in the way others perceive you.

Because the “drooping” present with ptosis is often accompanied by compounding issues like excess fatty tissue and skin, which can be appropriately addressed by blepharoplasty in addition to ptosis surgery, your treatment should take the approach of helping with whatever the unique nature of your concerns may be. For some, ptosis surgery that corrects the fallen or “heavy” eyelid platform may be all that’s needed. In other cases, related issues can be addressed and improved at the time of surgery. You can discuss the scope of your specific surgery with your oculofacial surgeon at the time of your consultation.

As with other eyelid surgeries, the challenge is in determining the precise approach for your needs, which should always be customized in order to obtain natural results that look right for you. Ptosis surgery is not a one-size-fits-all procedure; but rather, it must be meticulously planned for the individual.

Seek help from a cosmetic surgeon who specializes in eyelid surgery, including ptosis. Your doctor should have extensive experience in eyelid surgery as well as cosmetic treatments that achieve an overall balanced facial appearance. Both surgeries and surgeons vary, so it is advisable to review your doctor’s unretouched before-and-after photos, as well as learn about his or her education, fellowship training, research, and leadership positions. At the time of your consultation, your physician will listen to your concerns, provide a physical exam, and precisely identify the issues with which you present. Your doctor should both listen and advise you on the most appropriate course of action, taking time to answer questions and individualize the approach for you. Surgery can greatly help with both aesthetic and functional problems related to ptosis, helping you to achieve facial balance and an improved appearance. Under the care of a specialist, you can obtain the best results possible.